The Geno/Grinder? is an automated high-throughput plant & animal tissue homogenizer and cell lyser. It is equipped with an adjustable clamp that accom…
1600 MiniG?-Automated Tissue Homogenizer and Cell Lyser
The 1600 MiniG? is the ideal solution for labs that want a compact yet powerful tissue homogenizer and cell lyser. It is equipped with an adjustable cl…
Mouse visceral tissue samples are ground to extract nucleic acids and microorganisms
1、取適量組織裝入離心管,組織盡量剪碎成小塊;2、在離心管中加入氧化鋯珠數顆(一次性使用);3、先加入Trizol(不建議加入太多 Trizol,液體體積過大影響勻漿效…
Institute of Plant Physiological Ecology, Tissuelyser-48: Research on Maize Endosperm Devel…
Maize seed mainly consists of embryo and endosperm, accounting for 10% and 90% of the dry weight respectively, so the normal development of endosperm i…
Tissue Grinding Apparatus: Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Whole Milk by QuEChERS and LC-…
0714-165810-pesticide_residue_analysis_in_whole_milk.pdf - Analysis of pesticide residues in whole milk by QuEChERS and LC-MS / MS (UCT)