Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences is an agricultural scientific research institution directly under the Guangdong Provincial People's Governme…
Description of the advantages of high-throughput tissue grinders
Features of the high-throughput tissue grinder:1. The instrument can grind quickly and quickly and effectively grind 24, 56 or 192 samples in 2-4 minut…
School of Life Sciences, Nanjing University, China Case Study - Plant Tissue Mill FSTPRP-24…
The School of Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Nanjing University, purchased LAWSON FSTPRP-24 automatic sample rapid grinding instrument. It mai…
Tissue Grinding Apparatus: Application of QuEChERS in Extraction of Whole Blood Anabolic St…
0702-093825-5101-02 Steroids in the blood provided by QuEChERS.pdf - Application of QuEChERS in the extraction of whole blood anabolic steroids (UCT) (…
Tissue Milling Machine for Mechanical Fragmentation of High-Through Fatty Acids Extracted f…
1019-145358-SP001 - GG - Cell disruption - Extraction of fatty acids from animal tissue samples.pdf - Mechanical disruption of high-throughput fatty ac…
Institute of Plant Physiological Ecology, Tissuelyser-48: Research on Maize Endosperm Devel…
Maize seed mainly consists of embryo and endosperm, accounting for 10% and 90% of the dry weight respectively, so the normal development of endosperm i…
Tissue Grinding Apparatus: Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Whole Milk by QuEChERS and LC-…
0714-165810-pesticide_residue_analysis_in_whole_milk.pdf - Analysis of pesticide residues in whole milk by QuEChERS and LC-MS / MS (UCT)