Multi-sample tissue grinder, LAWSON-96
The LAWSON-96 tissue grinder is a special, fast, efficient, multi-tube, uniform system. It can extract and purify raw DNA, RNA, and proteins from any s…
Multi-sample grinder, LAWSON-96D
The LAWSON-96D tissue grinder is a special, fast, efficient, multi-tube, uniform system. It can extract and purify raw DNA, RNA, and proteins from any …
Multi-sample freeze grinder,DHFSTPRP-CL192
The LAWSON DHFSTPRP-CL192 Freezer is a special, fast, efficient, multi-tube, consistent system. It can extract and purify raw DNA, RNA, and proteins fr…
Multi-sample freezing grinder,LAWSON-96D
The LAWSON-96D Liquid Nitrogen Freezer is a special, fast, efficient, multi-tube, consistent system. It can extract and purify raw DNA, RNA, and protei…